一个灵活的BI工具 - 它的意思是什么,为什么重要?

So you spent the last few weeks/days/hours(根据BI工具的快速使用适当的指标)在下次会议中创建一个良好的仪表板或分析您要向您的团队展示的数据。你对它感到兴奋。您甚至添加了一个很好的触摸,具有新的可视化来显示业务预测。但是当您向您的同事介绍时,您会被问到:




你不得不解释的BI工具的defaults and you’re not sure those can be changed, and if they can, it will take time.


这些天的许多BI工具似乎在表面提供类似的功能(与常见数据源,可视化和仪表板,分析选项,移动消费选项等的连接)相似。这些BI工具的承诺通常也很类似,易于使用,可扩展性,良好的性能。但是,一旦您潜入真实的项目或任务略深,您经常发现您的BI工具(即使曾经见过your initial requirements) doesn’t always provide the necessary options, resulting in users having to compromise or under-deliver. Why is that the case?

Typical BI solutions suffer from a lack of flexibility. While they come standard with pre-built solution types, they can’t adapt to changing business needs and requirements.


The ability to meet a specific design is key to get the necessary buy-in from a large audience. As BI tools are more and more visual, the ability to display the data exactly the way the users want to consume it (“pixel perfect”) is often an important business requirement. Often, the right styling in place enables a professional look and feel and impacts a potential user’s emotional factor, thus increasing the chances of improved adoption of the tool across an organization. This is even more important when the design is for an external group of users, or when the solution is embedded into another application with existing styling.

对于一个BI工具,允许您实现PowerPoint Wiframe或Photoshop Mockup完全如设计,您可以在您可以布局和图层信息的方式中需要大量的灵活性,并通过内置配置控制造型的可视化or your own preference (i.e. via CSS). For example, looking at the bar chart below, there are many elements one may wish to control beyond just changing the bar colors.

Dundas BI Chart

In addition, web-based views (such as dashboards) require the support not only of data bound visualizations, but also other design elements such frames, labels, buttons, sliders and others.

As your business evolves and new challenges come into play, your BI and analytics needs will change as well. That is why it is good practice to have an iterative process for your dashboard and always consider it a “live project”. Being able to quickly modify and change elements on your existing views without breaking the view, or the way it is accessed by others without having to recreate it, is critical to support changing needs in a timely fashion.


A one-size-fits-all-users approach can send self-service business intelligence efforts off track. So can a lack of oversight and up-front development. As different users have different skills and needs, it is important to be able to cater to those users in a dedicated way to support the way they can and want to work. For example, for some users, too many options such as the ability to re-visualize (change visualizations types) can be overwhelming and confusing. Being able to control and limit the options per user, or group, enables users to experience the system as they expect and according to their skills. Smart systems take this idea further and offers users tailored options automatically via different user roles, as well as offer automatic updates based upon user behavior.



